Sunday, May 30, 2010

The chimp.

So i'm making a ton of flip books in hopes that one of them will get me a job. sounds crazy i know, but it will hopefully work. Getting a job at a design firm is a much different process than trying to get a job anywhere else. Personality, uniqueness, and attention to detail are priority over how many shiny stars you have on your resume. This chimp flipbook is a subtle joke in typography, something that only designers will get, and it's a little teaser on not only a certain skill set, but also a subconscious note that this guy has a sense of humor and is light hearted.

Anyway, here's a video of the raw animation. I've printed out all the books, and tomorrow i'll be cutting and binding them, so i'll post pictures of that later.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Graduation Cards

Hey all!

So I've been receiving a lot of cards in the mail recently for my graduation etc. Thank you all so much for that! I'll be sending out thank you cards before too long. If you didn't see the cards, you can check them out HERE.

They were totally fun to make, and I hope you all enjoyed them!

Friday, May 14, 2010

The start of a new life

Tomorrow I graduate from Texas State University-San Marcos. It feels like only yesterday that I was graduating High School. While it's totally exciting thinking about what the future holds, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I suppose not knowing what's going to happen is half the fun of life.

Anyway, one thing that is for certain is that I'm ready for a change.

I've got my new website up and running. I've started the new blog. I've got new business cards and a fancy-pants new portfolio. I have a fresh desire to be successful, along with a new shirt for graduation tomorrow!

Everyone keeps telling me that the economy is dreadful right now and it's near impossible to get a job. Encouraging words for a new graduate...

Getting a job in this field is a little different, anyway. You really have to advertise yourself to a prospective employer. You have to do it in a way that they will remember; one that's not cheesy or lame, and will get your foot in the door.

I know what I'm going to do, and all that's left is to actually make the things and send them out.

Wish me luck!